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Coping With Stress

Tips for Coping With Stress During and After Maryland Divorce

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If you are going through a Maryland divorce, you probably do not need statistical proof to convince you that the experience is one of the most challenging you will endure during your lifetime. Through analysis of answers to a questionnaire on identifying major stressful life events, psychologists have determined that divorce is number two on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). Only the death of a spouse was viewed as more traumatic for survey respondents, and – shockingly – going to prison actually falls lower on the list.

Stress is common in divorce, but it does not have to control your life. One sure way to alleviate negative emotions is to retain a Maryland divorce attorney to handle the essential legal tasks and advocate on your behalf. Plus, some additional tips for coping with the stress of divorce may be useful.

Go easy on yourself

For a period of time, give yourself permission to operate at a less-than-optimal level with respect to personal and professional responsibilities. You may not be as productive at work or keep your home as sparkling clean as usual, but you do need to re-group, revitalize, and re-energize your soul. In addition, allow yourself to feel a range of emotions rather than bottling them up. Address and accept negative feelings, as the intensity will diminish over time.

Surround yourself with people who have your back

Divorce is not something to go through alone, so invest in close relationships with family and friends. Some may have also been through the process, and they can share insights that help you. You might also consider joining a support group, engaging in talk therapy, or working with medical professionals through mental health apps.

Take care of YOU

Do not let your physical health suffer when you are feeling depressed, anxious, or frustrated with the divorce process. Make time every day to get exercise, even if it is just a quick walk around the neighborhood. Eat healthy foods, but enjoy an indulgence once in a while. If encounters with your ex- or soon-to-be-ex-spouse trigger stress, avoid contact and rely on your divorce lawyer to handle the legal issues.

Be there to support your children

If you have children, realize that they have needs in divorce. They may be confused, angry, and just as stressed as you, so:

  • Reassure children that the situation is not their fault;
  • Listen to their concerns and offer constructive answers to questions;
  • Stick with routine and rules, and provide discipline where necessary; and,
  • Never involve children in divorce-related conflicts.

Count on Your Baltimore County Divorce Lawyer for Legal Help

These tips for coping with divorce stress are helpful, especially when you focus on the fact that you are beginning a new life and entering a bright future. When you have experienced legal counsel on your side, you can rest assured that your interests related to property division, alimony, and children are protected. To learn about my services in the area of divorce, please contact attorney William F. Mulroney to set up a consultation. After i review your situation, i can advise you on what to expect.

400 Redland Ct #110 A, Owings Mills Maryland 21117

Phone: (443) 352-8433

Fax:  (443) 660-7176

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any matter. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. I invite you to contact me and welcome your calls, letters and email. Contacting me does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should not send us any confidential information before becoming a client. Such responses will not create a lawyer-client relationship, and whatever you disclose to us will not be privileged or confidential unless we have agreed to act as your legal counsel.

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